I’m Kingsnake and I want to help you date the girls that you dream about. And, I want you to do it ethically, without being sleazy or manipulative.
You want to date attractive girls. At the same time, you don’t want to be cruel to girls, to harm them psychologically, or to be unethical in your dating strategies.
Growing up, I was terrible at romance, dating, and seduction. For a variety of reasons, I didn’t kiss a girl until I was 28 years old, and I was a virgin until I was 30!
When I finally did start dating, I was bewildered, mystified, and most of all frustrated! I found girls confusing, hurtful, and cruel. They would choose to date jerks and assholes instead of me, who I considered to be a genuinely nice guy!
I struggled around the ethics of dating. I saw friends of mine get lots of success with girls, but they were getting it by means I considered shady at best. And yet, at the same time, me sticking doggedly to my treasured ethics was getting me nowhere toward my dating goals. Eventually, I came to see dating as a balance between ethics and efficacy. I saw these things as existing in opposition to one another, that to be more effective and have more of the experiences that I wanted, I would need to compromise on some of my ethics. Over time, I’ve come to see that this is something of a false dichotomy. Ethics and a fulfilling dating life are not mutually exclusive.
However, dating can be viewed as a game, and it behooves us to understand the rules of that game. If you understand the way that people work, on a psychological level, you can be socially adept without being manipulative. I used to be a Christian, and I’m reminded of the verse encouraging us to be “as cunning as serpents and as innocent as doves.”
So, my goal is to help folks to attain the dating lifestyle that they want while at the same time maintaining themselves as paragons of virtue.
— Kingsnake